Imperative commands

Imperative commands allow quick creation, update and deletion of Kubernetes objects.

They are easier to learn, but they don't provide an audit trail.

Flexibility is low, needed multiple commands to do further changes.

Imperative command examples:

# Create a POD that runs a NGINX container
kubectl run nging --image nginx

Imperative commands with configuration templates

Those commands rely on configuration templates defined as yaml files.

They specify an operation such as create, replace or delete, that operation is part of the command and not the template.

kubectl create -f nginx.yaml

Declarative commands

With declarative commands the files define the desired state, kubernetes executes the operations needed to get to that state.

The action is not specified on the command, the needed operations are inferred by kubectl.

The command works on both files and directories.

# Execute configurations files on a directory
kubectl apply -f nginx/

Example commands


# Get something on namespace
kubectl get <component> -n <namespace_name>

# Get all components
kubectl get all

# Get the nodes
kubectl get nodes

# Get the pods
kubectl get pods

# Get the pods with more info
kubectel get pods -o wide

# Get the services
kubectl get services

# Get the deployments
kubectl get deployments

# Get the replicaSets
kubectl get replicasets

# Get the secrets
kubectl get secrets

# Get the deployment config
kubectl get deployment -o yaml

# Get info about a pod
kubectl describe pod <POD_NAME>

# Get info about a service
kubectl describe service <SERVICE_NAME>

# Get pod logs
kubectl logs <POD_NAME>


# Create a POD
## PODs cannot be created directly, we need to use a deployment 
## (abstraction over pods)
kubectl create deployment <NAME> --image=<IMAGE> [--dry-run] [options]

# Edit a deployment / show details
kubectl edit deployment <NAME>

# Create a namespace
kubectl create namespace <NAME>

# Apply a configuration file
kubectl apply -f <FILENAME>

****# Apply a configuration file in a namespace (not a good practice)
kubectl apply -f <FILENAME> --namespace=<NAMESPACE>


# Delete deployment
## This deletes everything bellow the deployment (ReplicaSets, PODs, etc)
kubectl delete deployment <DEPLOYMENT_NAME>


# Enter a shell inside the pod
kubectl exec -it <POD_NAME> -- /bin/bash

# Autoscale based on CPU usage
kubctl autoscale deploy <POD_NAME> --min=2 --max=5 --cpu-percent=10

**# Switch namespace (kubens)
kubens <namespace>